Saturday, 25 October 2008


Here is the 1st visual for our latest project, all will become clear soon...... 
Click on image to see it's full gorgeousness

Friday, 24 October 2008

A Recession Blocker we're saved!

This handy web tool blocks out negative recession words (crash,fall) from any website you type into it, to prevent you all getting into a recessive mentally and making the problem worse! Despite the underlining reason for it's creation being to sell a book (AHHHHHH! nothing is ever commercially free!) it is a lovely idea.

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Kerning is the new spooning!

Excite your mornings with some geniusly witty typography by Shaderlab see more at:

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Infrarouge night out guide: Sleeping Sucks

Have nabbed these off ads of the world as I think there GGGGggggggREAT! Created by Publicis Conseil, france, with wicked illustrations thanks to CraOman, and straight forward strategy C'est Magnifique, OUI OUI BON BON! 

Monday, 20 October 2008

watch out for them

Thank you Nina Due

Alan Aldridge exhibition at the design museum. It is dedicated excitement on a creative stick. My under cover photos may not get me a job with the secret services or do the exhibit justice but it gives you a little slurp.


I, the Alien in the thinking putty have finally found the password. My new beginning I thought would best be paralleled to the sperms I bumped in to on Waterloo Bridge last week. I was so excited watching them run up and down the stairs at the Hayward that I failed to take a photo of them in their most randy state. Instead at the point of photography they were acting a little more like Noel Edmund's personal package, waiting for cameras and action.

But I beg you to imagine our fiesty fellows and fellowetts as the hadron collider of all virility. According to my mate with the camera at the scene (unless he's just a pervert) they have raced around the Rocky Mountains the Autobahn and now my personal favourite London erection-waterloo Bridge. All this I tell you, in the name of a channel 4 and a couple of documentary directors who fancied a trip to the US. Were those Rockies really necessary? I say ay!! Let's hail the sperm and their great adventure. Coming on your television one day on channel 4.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Nice strategy for big meetings...

" If the ads have gone to pot 
   mention blogging quite a lot.
  If you want to dazzle them 
  Drop in terms like CRM

  To make your clients think you're sage
  Give campaigns a myspace page
  To make them think you're clever chaps
  Make references to Google Maps

  If accused of strategic shrinking
  Bang on about social networking

  If  they still think the work is crap
  You must present an iPhone app"
It's always nice to start the day with some poetry! This digital number was supplied by my desk mate Jose, thanks x

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Wendy's Banner - We won't make it until you order it

I saw this a few weeks ago on banner blog thought it was awesome, but only just got the program snapz to film it! Really original way of executing the simple message 'We won't make it until you order' Check it out.


Check out these graphed up vintage babies! The pay check this month is definately going to have to accommodate a pair, they are soo beautiful! I think they are only sold in shops in Paris but u can get a pair online at and the creator of NDEUR Mathieu Mathiem will even illustrate your own designs onto heels and trainers, you just have to email ur design over and you can have a totally original pair, ACE or what!

Friday, 10 October 2008

QUENTIN LETTS: If Saatchi's new gallery is art, then I'm a Chinaman!

Charles Satchi, the man all aspiring advertising types love to hate, by achieving what they all want: being the most famous name in advertising, not having to work in it and being even more richer/famous since he left! He is the man who made a whole generation of Young British Artists rich and famous, and whose middle name should be controversy! (ho ho ho) So as you can expect the reviews of the new Saatchi gallery have been hugely varied some bumming the ground he walks and others just the total Piss, but one of the most amusing of the latter is by Quentin Letts (The Mail Online), a good old scarci art critic ooo! he does like a moan.
See the whole review at :
or see for yourself at:
The Saatchi gallery
Duke of York's HQ
King's Road

By Underground:
The gallery is 3-4 minutes' walk from Sloane Square Underground (District and Circle lines) and 10-12 minutes' walk from Victoria (Victoria, District & Circle lines).

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Stuff I liked on fffffound today!

As i am trying to formulate how my latest project 'Cheer up Banksy' is going to work and so far I have made one poster in two weeks of multi - coloured typography.. that doesn't read very well, I have been studying ffffound for some inspiration! Here are some of the gemicles I came across today and yes I know the balloons are not type but..... imagine if they were! oooooooooHH!